The 2018/19 Skelmersdale Boundary Harriers Awards Evening will be held at Newburgh Sports Club on Saturday 16th March 2019 @ 7pm. Itinerary for the evening is: Hotpot & apple pie, awards & disco. Running and non running partners are also able to attend. Awards Fell Challenge Trophy Road & Trail Challenge Trophy Cross Country Cross Country 1st Man Trophy Cross Country 1st Woman Trophy Male Veterans Cross-Country Champion Trophy Female Cross-Country Veteran Champion Trophy
STRAVA 1000-mille challenge 1000-mile Challenge Cup Winner 100-mile challenge Gold medal 750-mile challenge Silver medal 500-mile challenge Bronze medal
Most improved runner 2018 Trophy Ass of the year 2018 Chef of the Year 2018 Coach of the year 2018 Best Fancy Dress
Please confirm attendance to Kevin Walker ASAP.