Member of the Month, as voted for by the Clubs Committee, is Robson Jenkins
Robson has been a beacon of light since joining the club earlier this year, with his infectious positivity and a seemingly understated presence within the group, his 5km PB in September went relatively uncelebrated but the work he has put in has been notable, remained consistent and then calm when niggles started to ensure injury didnt take over, is an example that has inspired others. We look forward to what the future holds for you.
Throughout this year, Robson has also been fundraising, please checkout his charity work here: BrainTumourCharity and if you can, offer some support.

It's fair to say that each month at the committees meeting, the topic of which member's acheivements are to be celebrated throws up some phenomenal accomplishments and a tough decision, but for the month of September, despite other names discussed, this one was unaminous at the vote such is the high regard the club holds the Individual successes. Other notable successes in September: Andy Mowatt, Mike Kayll, Viv Hanson & Cath Walton
Well deserved Robson🖤💛
Well deserve 👏 cannot wait to see what future holds for you
Congratulations Robson 🏃🏅🏆