Proposed Club Roles 2022
Executive Committee
Vacant or Succession Roles are applicable by nomination and seconded status only from registered club members at an AGM.
Numerous applicants will be split by vote of those in AGM attendance.
Roles may be left vacant where no nomiations received

Role Descriptions:
All role descritiptions are standardised but not limited to the points listed below.
It is expected that all Executive Committee members will assist in any additional day to day duties where appropriate roles are vacant or volunteers absent.
Co-Habiting members will assume the status of one shared vote if in agreement within any voting status.
Honorary President
Club Figurehead and face of the club both internal & external of the clubs’ environments
Attendance at Committee Meetings, where possible, and deciding vote status on any ties within the committee
Support Committee where required
Assist in appointing replacement committee if left vacant
Provide leadership on all aspects of the club from training to competition, fundraising and social activities.
Strategic planning and key decision-making duties
Form a team so that all the officer and committee positions are filled, taking in consideration skills, experience and diversity.
Delegating, leading and motivating club volunteers towards club goals/objectives.
Uphold the club constitution and terms of conditions of England Athletics affiliation.
Ensuring an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the club to which the Club complies.
Lead in the enforcement of the club’s code of conduct.
Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities towards club welfare and safeguarding.
Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately.
Chairing regular committee meetings and the Annual General Meetings (AGM).
Being actively involved in creating and following a Club Development Plan.
Representing the club at local and regional events, associated meetings/AGM events.
Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
Has one vote status in executive committee meetings, deciding vote status assumed if President absent/vacant
*Targets 2022/23: Fill committee roles in line with planned expansion
Vice Chair:
Support Chair in all active duties
Stand in for Chair as or when required in short absences
Will assume Chair role, if vacated, until the following AGM
Has one vote status in executive committee meetings
Vice Chair will not be replaced, if vacant, until the following AGM
Club Secretary:
Plan club meetings with the chairperson and agree an agenda with all club officers
Circulate details of meetings (time, location, agenda etc.) to club members
Take minutes, or appoint role, and circulate to meeting attendees
Follow-up with relevant parties on key actions arising from meetings
Ensure meetings adhere to procedures of the club constitution (e.g. quorums and election procedures)
Being the first point of contact for club enquiries
Receive, send and log correspondence on behalf of the Club
Delegating tasks to club members
Attending to affiliations
Ensuring insurance is up to date and relevant where applicable
Maintaining up to date records and reference files
Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Manage club grievance and disciplinary correspondence.
Ensure the club applies for and receives its London Marathon club places entitlement
Club Membership Secretary:
Managing the club affiliation renewal
Managing the athlete registration renewal process
Progressing athlete registrations for new members
Maintaining records of all athletes – competitive and social.
Maintaining records of club members who carry out the role of volunteers, coaches and officials
Works with the club treasurer to reconcile membership payments, discounts, refunds etc.
Contacts members in payment arrears to pay club membership dues 
Updates coaches each week on who has paid their membership and is eligible to compete.
Responsible for managing athlete transfer requests to other clubs.
Sharing National Governing Body (NGB) registration numbers with members
Reporting to the club secretary on the progress of memberships (growth/decline) etc. 
Ensuring data privacy and meeting GDPR obligations as an officer of the club who are a data controller
Arranging handover or succession planning for the position 
Managing the club’s income and expenditure and its assets and liabilities
Maintain bank account(s) in the name of the Club in accordance with mandate ratified by the Committee
Producing an end of year financial report
Identifying a suitable individual to independently review the annual accounts
Regularly reporting back to the club committee on all financial matters
Depending on the type of legal structure reporting back to the relevant body as required.
Efficient payment of invoices and bills
Proposing amendments to annual and weekly subscriptions as appropriate
Depositing cash and cheques that the club receives
Keeping up to date financial records
Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interests and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Welfare Officer (England Athletics Training can be provided):
A Club Welfare Officer (CWO) with the support of the club committee has the responsibility to:
implement effective Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures and keep them up to date
implement effective Adult Safeguarding Policy and Adult Safeguarding Procedures and keep them up to date
promote safeguarding at the club and encourage good practice
respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns
regularly report to the club’s organising committee on safeguarding matters
ensure that members of the club/volunteers/staff who are working with children and/or adults at risk are recruited safely and in line with legal requirements
maintain records of safeguarding training attended by club members
maintain records of club coaches and officials’ licences and criminal record checks
make sure the sports volunteers/staff, parents/carers, adults and children are aware of:
how to contact the CWO
the codes of conduct for working with children/adults at risk
how to respond to safeguarding concerns